Monday, April 25, 2011

C4K Summary 7,8,9, & 10

C4K # 7

This post was about the state of Wisconsin having a big budget cut and will be affecting the public school system by 8 million dollars.

Hello Mr. McClung. My name is Dana Johnson and I am an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama. I am responding to Lesson One- Fat Cat Teachers. I am going to school to be an educator and I disagree with what Fox has to say about teachers and I think it is not fair that they are going to cut teachers. That just make things harder on the kids and teachers with the over crowed classrooms.

C4K # 8

C4K # 9

Mrs. Yollis classroom blog. I had to explored their class blog  and all the links posted on their. I also commented on there. After exploring Mrs. Yollis' class blog, I realized she is a great teacher and I can't wait to be able to interact with my students in the future like she does.

C4K # 10

Hannah, who is one of Mrs. Yollis third grade students. I had to explore Hannah's blog and comment on one of her posts. Hannah has created a great blog and really enjoys blogging. I commented on her post about Seezdeh- Bedar, which is a family tradition  where they all get together at a park and other places and have a good time. Hannah asked her views have they ever heard of the tradition and what do they think about it. I commented:

Hi Hannah. My name is Dana Johnson, an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama. I have never heard of Seezdeh- Bedar, but I think it is a great tradition.

School bus

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blog Post # 13


ALEX ( Alabama Learning Exchange)

Wow! This is my first time ever hearing about ALEX. This is a great site for educators to use. I am so amazed at all the helpful and useful learning material it has for teachers to share ideas and learn from one another. I think this was something great that has came about for the state of Alabama educators. I will surely be visiting this site again once I become an educator in the near future.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Blog Post # 12

Blog Post 12 Due 4/17

Watch this video and write about what you think.

I watched this video on youtube and I thought it was very interesting and I thought that it made a good point about technology and with the use of cell phones. Now they are making all these smart phones that I think eventually they will take over the use of computers.

C4K # 9

teacher and students

C4K # 9

Mrs. Yollis Class

Getting to know Mrs. Yollis

Mrs. Yollis seem to be a very nice well educated person. She has posted a nice post about herself and her different life experience. She has been a teacher for 24 years and is very proud. By reading her post I can tell she really loves what she do.

Meet the Bloggers

Mrs. Yollis has a big third grade class. she has 22 students and it is an even amount. She has 11 girls and 11 boys, and they all love blogging.

Video: How to comment

Mrs. Yollis shares a video on how to comment on the blog. I think that was a very helpful guide and well detailed, especially for those who do not know to comment.

Learn HTML Code

This is some very helpful tips from Mrs. Yollis on how to use HTML codes. I actually had to take some notes down for my own help. Thanks Mrs. Yollis

Time Zones of Friends

This is an interesting link of the different places. Mrs. Yollis was also creative with the different colored clocks, names, and the cities by them.

Learn about California

Mrs. Yollis added a nice video of California. I think it would be good to post a video of Alabama on my future blog link.

Learning How to shoot Digital Images

This link shows video is on how to take pictures and shoot videos. Mrs. Yollis has a great blog and I love the way she interacts with her class.

Project 15

Final Project

coming soon

Our project is going to be a surprise. My group is Olivia Bush, Lara Bishop, Rachael Gammil, and  myself.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Project # 14 Teach Someone

Blog Post # 11

kids at computer

First Grade Teacher Ms. Cassidy

Watching Ms. Cassidy's class was a huge shock! I never knew children that young could be so good with using technology, but then again I take that back because my four year old daughter is very intelligent when it come to using my desk top, lap top or smart phone. I think it is great that children are learning at an early age. Ms. Cassidy's first graders know how to use blogger, skype, and wikis. Wow! I love the fact that the kids are serious about their work and experience with technology to be as young as they are. I would use blogger and skype in my classroom to interact with my students.

Dr. Strange's skype interview with Ms. Cassidy was interesting and I enjoyed watching and listening to their points of views about technology. They both have many views in common about technology and I know for sure they will keep on exploring more more over time. I love that Ms. Cassidy have a main focus with her students and to keep their education technology involved.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Blog Post # 10


An Open Letter to Educators
By: Morgan Bayda

This is a great post by Morgan Bayda. I also really enjoyed the video by Dan Brown. They both make very good interesting points. I agree with many of their points, like some classes cheat you out of learning. Students pay lots of money for classes and at the end of the semester they still no nothing. Dan Brown also speaks about how students have to pay so much for books, when the information is just a simple click away. He speaks how technology needs to be in schools. As much as I think about it and say I want to quit school, that's one thing I don't agree with. I won't quit school.

Tom Johnson's Don't Let them Take Pencils Home!

Mr. Johnson's post was very unique and interesting. I do too agree that some kids use pencils as a toy and some kids use them as a learning tool. I like what he states about some kids think they are using pencils to play but are learning something at the same time and do not know it. That's so true. Now I have never heard of taking pencils home will lower test scores, and that really leave me to wonder?

C4T Summary # 3

Angry Pink Slip Teachers Rap Song

My teacher was Mathew Needleman. My first  post was with two videos that teachers made about getting pink slips. I did not take this as joking post it was stated with true facts about teachers and receiving pink slips. Here is what I commented

Hello, My name is Dana Johnson. I am an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama in Dr. Strange’s class. I am an Elementary Education major and I think it was great for you to share the videos about pink slips. After graduating my biggest fear is not being able to get a job and or if I get a job fearing at the end of every school year about being served a pink slip. I think that is just crazy because we need teachers. If they lay off teachers that means more kids in a class with one teacher, which makes its harder to teach and harder for the kids to be taught.

My second post was on Mythbuster: Education Edition, and Learning Styles Don't Exist. He was speaking about students that were visual learner and students who are orally learners. Here is what I commented:

Hello, my name is Dana Johnson and I am an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama. I read your post and watched the video above. It was very interesting. With the different learning skills I always said I was an visual learner, but I see that the skills are really based on learning the things period. Everyone learns different and at a different paste.