Sunday, March 6, 2011

Blog Post # 7

randy pausch

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

I really enjoyed watching this video of Randy Pausch. I am glad it was shared with us. He seemed to be a great man with a good heart. He stood up there and gave the best lecture I have seen to be as sick as he was and with as little time he had to live. He did not let that get in his way or bring him down he was still happy and in good spirit!

I liked how he had his lecture put together with his childhood dreams and the different experiences he was able to achieve and accomplish in his life. He was able to meet Capital Kirk, and becoming an imagineer, able to feel zero gravity and even wining some stuff animals . I like how he made an example of the brick wall, if you want it you will go through that bring wall. I thought that was very inspiring. This video really had me laughing and smiling because Randy Pausch seemed to have had a great sense of humor.

I think he was a great teacher and he knew how to make learning fun. I think he was a teacher that believes in his students and make his students to believe in themselves. He says that it starts from parents when coming successful. I love how he admired his parents and that they are part of him becoming the successful person his was. After parents he names teachers, and many others that can help you become successful and I agree with him that it takes become to help you out in life. He makes it very clear that to never give up! This was a great video and I know that Randy Pausch will always be remembered  as a great person.


  1. This was a very inspirational speech. He seemed like an amazing person and an amazing teacher. I also really liked his example of a brick wall. I agree though, if you want it bad enough how far will you go to get it?

  2. Hi, Dana!

    How Randy Pausch taught is just as important as how he led his life!

    - Allie
